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[19:56:19] <&Nuweni> Jesus_Hitler: DAMN CHOPPER IS HARD TO DRIVE
* Matthias (Matthias@gtanet-D8AF343E.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) Quit (Quit: Munch, I know you'll talk about me all the time now, and think how else you could annoye me, but in fact, I enjoy that, it brings a smile upon my face xD))

Lol :P

I think Matthias likes you, Munch :P
(01-21-2009, 09:09 PM)Mark link Wrote: I think Matthias likes you, Munch :P

Quote:[22/01/09|22:45:03] <+Cibby> I'm too 'cl0wnie'
[22/01/09|22:47:42] <+Buhu> :\
[22/01/09|22:47:45] <+Buhu> [BA]Cibby ?
<zxSAMxz> yup is a swear?
* LVP sets mode: +b *!*@59282D7E.C8DAC04A.1EBD37D6.IP
* zxSAMxz was kicked by LVP (Watch your language!)
<Heavenpot> ownd
* Heavenpot was kicked by LVP (Stop repeating yourself!)
[08:27:16] * @Michael throws a virus at woet
[08:27:33] * Quits: @Michael (Michael@gtanet-F01D688D.gci.net) (Connection reset by peer)
[21:27] *** Nowani has quit (Ping timeout)
[21:27] *** Nuwuni has quit (Ping timeout)
[21:27] *** Nuwoni has quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:27] *** Nuwini has quit (Ping timeout)
[21:27] *** Nowuni has quit (Ping timeout)
[21:27] *** Nuweni has quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:43] <Kugashira> !samp lvp stats
[21:43] <Klotebot> Error: The server at is not an SA-MP Server.
[21:44] <StormMaker> !fixserver
[16:03] * JoJo (java@gtanet-B840A263.bredband.skanova.com) has joined #gta4
[16:03] <JoJo> hello
[16:04] <JoJo> can anybody hear me?
[16:04] <JoJo> are u blind cant u see what im typing or what?
[16:04] <CC_Ben_C_01> No sorry shout louder
[16:04] <norby89> :l
[16:04] <JoJo> ben r u deaf?
[16:05] <CC_Ben_C_01> No, your not shouting loud enough
[16:05] <JoJo> bullshit
[16:05] <norby89> I CANT HEAR YOU
[16:05] <JoJo> shut up u ashole
[16:05] <CC_Ben_C_01> D:
[16:05] <JoJo> i have a question
[16:05] <JoJo> u jelous lil nub
[16:05] <CC_Ben_C_01> Ask it then
[16:05] <JoJo> ur jelous of my skillz
[16:05] <JoJo> i pwn u in gta 4
[16:05] <CC_Ben_C_01> Of course I am :')
[16:05] <JoJo> u jelous lil nub
[16:05] <JoJo> ok here is my question
[16:05] <norby89> did you say
[16:05] <norby89> jelly
[16:05] <norby89> JELLY
[16:05] <CC_Ben_C_01> Funny how I didnt need to ask any questions when completing that game :D
[16:05] <norby89> peanut butter jelly
[16:06] <JoJo> shut the fuk up u god damn bullshit asshole
[16:06] <JoJo> and listen to my fukin question
[16:06] <JoJo> u jelous pieace of shit
[16:06] <CC_Ben_C_01> [14:05:32] <CC_Ben_C_01> Ask it then
[16:06] <JoJo> yes
[16:06] <JoJo> there is a mod
[16:06] <JoJo> called player selecter
[16:06] <JoJo> for gta 4
[16:06] <JoJo> where the fuk can i download that shit?
[16:06] <CC_Ben_C_01> Tried google?
[16:06] <JoJo> u can liek choose between hats and all that shit and play as that avatar
[16:07] <JoJo> yes
[16:07] <JoJo> and theres so many links
[16:07] <JoJo> i want a good site with lots of mods including that one
[16:07] <JoJo> becouse im pro style motha fukas i dont google some shit and just download it no im pro style
[16:07] <&jelly> hahahaa
[16:07] <CC_Ben_C_01> Rofl
[16:07] <JoJo> u think thats funny?
[16:07] <JoJo> u nub
[16:08] <JoJo> u jelous lil nub
[16:08] <&jelly> oh definitely
[16:08] <JoJo> i pwn u liek a chicken
[16:08] <norby89> D:
[16:08] <JoJo> u pieace of shit
[16:08] <CC_Ben_C_01> I wouldnt be laughing if it wasnt
[16:08] <CC_Ben_C_01> Lol
[16:08] * jelly sets mode: +b *!*@gtanet-B840A263.bredband.skanova.com
[16:08] * JoJo was kicked by jelly (I see you! (743))
Quote:<[K_w]Alphonso> JESUS
<[K_w]Alphonso> JESUS
<Nemesis> ffs
<Nemesis> gtg
<[K_w]Alphonso> ANSWER
* Nemesis (SWK-IRC-Us@CFA748B.135D7110.D279D467.IP) Quit (Quit: swk.tn22.com)
<[NiP]Mafo> Shoebox is getting unbanned tomorrow!!!!:DDDD
<Jordi> lawl
<Jordi> really?
<[K_w]Alphonso> YE
<[NiP]Mafo> YES :D
<Jordi> ok
<[K_w]Alphonso> WHERE IS HE?
<Jordi> idk
<Jordi> should be somewhere
<[K_w]Alphonso> grr :D
* [K_w]Alphonso (~K_wAlpho@gtanet-D830BDB.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) Quit (Quit: LVP Webchat - Visit us at www.SA-MP.nl)
<+Jesus> Damn I just showed up