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Request/Show off a Signature or Avatar
Really nice :D

I remember when we were all making things like HoogerBoogers old sig... well, maybe a bit better.

Everyone is getting so much better,

congratulations everyone!
My signature ( not in high quality   :( )

[Image: samp681edited8fz0.jpg]
Lol nice work.
nice colours and idea azkiller but you should put more than a standing ballas there... ;)
[Image: RonaldoReloaded.png]

Very cool Reloaded. Like the Cristiano Ronaldo image 8)
ty for zeh comment
[Image: w7ipp5.png]
:> comments
[Image: NeYoFtW.png]
Nice... dont like the text at the top.

I thought I would post a begginers tutorial to help out some sigmakers

I can't take all the credit for this. Credits to JasperVD for his tutorial where I learn most of this stuff!

Welcome to a basic Photoshop tutorial.
This will show you how to make a simple (but good-looking) signature in under 10 minutes.

You will need:

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 or higher.
An internet connection.
Grunge brushes 3
A good render (I reccomend www.planetrenders.net)
A good c4d render (^)
Good eyesight
A small amount of knowledge in photoshop.

I'll try and make this as simple as possible. If you get stuck, just ask and I'll help you out.

Start off by creating a new image roughly this size: (dimensions... 350/145 ROUGHLY)

[Image: 1-1.jpg]

Then, create a new layer*, choose the brush tool (which is loaded with the Grunge 3 brushes) and just mess about with the background. Be careful tho, not too dark!

(*goto layer > new > layer)

I ended up with this:

[Image: 2.jpg]

Now, open your render.
I chose this assassins creed render, taken from planetrenders.net
Open it, then drag onto your first picture. Sont re-size the picture. Place it in an area where it covers the whole thing.

[Image: 3.jpg]

Now, goto Filter > blur > motion blur
Use these settings:
[Image: 4.jpg]

now on the layers tab, click the blending mode drop-down menu (it should say normal) and change to overlay.
[Image: 5.jpg]

This should have coloured your render! (see below)

Now, go back to your render, and drag it into your first picture again!
Hit Ctrl+t and resize it so it fits nicely into your frame.
[Image: 6.jpg]

Lovely :). Now choose the eraser tool, and use the settings below:
[Image: 7.jpg]

Using those settings, go gently around the edges of your render, blending it into the background.

This picture compares before this step and after this step:
[Image: 8.jpg]

Now, open your c4d render. I used one called 'explosion' you can get it at planetrenders.net
Place it accordingly in your picture.  one you have it nicely placed, mess around with the blending mode (below) and opacity (both in layer tab) to make it look better in your picture.
[Image: 9.jpg]

[Image: 10.jpg]

Now its time to add your text. There are a few rules:
1 Never, EVER put the text on top of the main render.
2 Arial/similar almost always looks best.
3 use colours (similar to those) that are in your image.
4 Dont make it too big and flashy, but not too suttle either.

I chose the simple Arial font, blue size 16pt. Place it somewhere nice-looking on your picture (remember the rules!).
Once I had placed the text, I went to the layers tab (below), right clicked on the layer and chose blending options.
[Image: 11.jpg]

I chose 'outer glow' and turned down the opacity a little. (Dont change anything else, unless you want to)

Now you can add a subtext.

A subtext is a line of text of a smaller size that goes underneath the main text.
I chose 11pt. Just mess about with the blending options until you see something you like :)

But, if you want to be like me, I chose 'stroke' and used these settings:
[Image: 12.jpg]

Now create new layer. Press Ctrl+a to select around the outsides of your picture.
Without de-selecting, goto Edit > stroke, and use these settings:
[Image: 13.jpg]

Dont worry if the border looks too big, it is just that way in photoshop! (makes it look bigger than it is)


You've finished!

Here is what you made (hopefully :o)

[Image: EndResult.png]

I know, its not great, but its not bad is it? :P

This was my first tutorial on Photoshop. I hope you found it useful!


(^) <awesome :D