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Have you ever..... ?
No, my laptops don't.
Have you ever had a shock from a power socket?
.... yaaaa :O its scary.. and i was just a kid...:O


have you ever been causght cheating on ur gf :p
Nope, but my gf had a dream two nights ago that I was cheating on her with two girls at the same time :+

Have you ever wanted to go to the moon?
All the time!
Have you ever (accidentally) hit someone unconscious?
Well not by accident :X

Have you ever touched a relative in a more intimate way? :o :o
No, thats just wrong

Have you ever been caught fapping?
Girlfriends don't count, so nope.
Have you ever driven a car/motocycle/(fire)truck/bulldozer after drinking (more-than-legally-allowed-in-your-country-to-still-be-able-to-drive).
Yeah, that got my driver license retired for over a year and now I have to attend alcoholic courses for 2 months(fkin italian law)


Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?
naaa that wud be dumb from me xD

have u ever punched your teacher ?
Not yet, but there's still hope!
btw lol Gaahl, I had my licence revoked once too, not for alcohol but for speeding ;) Luckely I got mine back after just 6 days and 490 euros!
Have you ever done XTC?