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Have you ever..... ?
Yes.  And I get to do it often.


Should EMOS be wiped off the face of the planet?


Have you ever thought the same?
Well bubbles is emo so she's a hypocrite  >:)(never had a problem with em personally)

have you ever thought about your best friend in a sexual way?
Yes, and it happened.

Love all these innocent teenager sexual questions from Silent Bob. :)  Memories.


Have you ever inserted your fist or anything bigger into a body cavity of somebody?
Yes, I was about to punch 1 guy and got my fist stuck in his mouth.

Have you ever played Blur on Tunngle? If not, get it and play. It's awesome.
No and No.


Have you ever been happy to hear someone had died?
Not yet, Alex Ferguson is still alive.

Have you ever wanted someone dead? (And meant it, not due to anger)
Yes. Many people, Bush, most of the Israeli government etc etc etc (theres about 300 people I know by name I'd love to see dead, along with approx 1000 other people in general areas)  Note these are people I don't know personally but them been wiped off the planet will save many many lives.  There are many bad evil people out there who have no problem exploiting and making other people suffer for their own needs.

Short answer.  Yes.


Have you ever seen a snuff film online involving a human or indeed an animal?
Have you ever been on the offended page, bubbles? Just google the word "offended" and click the top link.  ;)


Have you ever had sexual thoughts of bubbles?!
That 'offended' page is for children below the age of 6.  So, i was there many years ago.  Don't see why anyone would be offended by my last comment. Not all human life is sacred, theres alot of scum out there that by right should be removed.


Everytime I masturbate I have sexual thouughts of bubbles, and I bet loads of players on LVP cum in their pants when I pull up next to them and spray my love explosion all over them.


Have you ever seen a emo kid being beat up and instead of doing anything about it just stood by and cheered while shouting suggestions to kick them in the head?