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[Introduction] Matthias - Printable Version

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[Introduction] Matthias - Matthias - 05-10-2009

[table] [tr][td]Ingame Name:[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Matthias
[table][tr][td]Real Name:[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Matthias
[table][tr][td]Country[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Belgium
[table][tr][td]Age[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] 14.
[table][tr][td]Birthday[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] 27/11/94
[table][tr][td]Gender[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Male
[table][tr][td]Other Games[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 multiplayer (PSP), GTA VCS (PSP), GTA LCS (PSP), Call Of Duty Roads to Victory (PSP). GTA Vice City Multiplayer (PC).
[table][tr][td]Playing SA-MP Since:[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] About 1.5 years I guess.
[table][tr][td]Playing on LVP Since:[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] Same :P


This is a re-introduction as I just saw how lame the original one was :P

Discovering GTA 

About 3 years ago, I was walking around in Game mania (a shop for games) and I was looking for something fun. Then I saw GTA3 and as I've heard a lot about how great the GTA series were, I just bought the game. Immediatly I was addicted to the game style and after finishing the storyline and finding all hidden packages, I wanted more.

So I went back to Game mania and saw they had both GTA San Andreas and Vice City. Seeing as they were both 20 euros, I bought San Andreas, without really looking at the system specs (stupid thing to do). So I came home and tried to install it on my computer, but it wouldn't run as I didn't even come to close to the system specs I needed.  I was very disappointed and went back to the shop and trade it for GTA Vice City. I installed it and I thought it was an awesome game. After finishing that I wanted to play GTA San Andreas real bad as I was bored of GTA Vice City.

Seeing as I couldn't do that, I googled for a multiplayer and found "GTA VC:MP", which is a great multiplayer in my opinion. I've played it for about 3 weeks and then we bought a new computer, which was able to run San Andreas. After finishing the story line, I heard from Exquiza there was this thing called GTA SA:MP. I installed it and never played another game ever since.

Discovering LVP 

At first, me and Exquiza were just playing the stunt servers and having fun together. Then we checked out the offical list and joined LVP for the first time. We were just hanging around and having fun stunting with planes etc. That was around March 2008. Then after a month or 2 I finally got myself registered and was addicted to buying props.  I registered on the forums as well, and got more into the gang scene, so I tried to learn myself how to duel. Somebody taught me what "lead-aim" and "lag" and "ping" was and my skills were improving.

UW (Ultimate Warriors) 

By then, a good friend of mine, Kikac, made his own clan called "Ultimate Warriors" and invited me to be a leader of it as well. I said yes and became the leader. The first 2 weeks we were slaughtered by every clan that had a bit of skills, but we still had fun.  Then I kicked out berkley (Mark) for the reason Munch mentioned. And then all the shit started. Me and Munch became enemies and we were doing nothing but flaming and trying to get eachother pissed. (Looking back at that: lol). Anyway, after I had all the UW shit, I wanted to join another clan. 

B&A (Part 1) 

That's when I applied for B&A. After 3 days I got denied for my age (I was 13 at the time). Anyway, I was haning with BA for a while (trying to get accepted) and Funky told me I should re-apply, so that's what I did.  At a saturday morning, I saw lots of BA's at LVP (Darkfire, Buhu, Scream, Funky, Azerty...) and they were fighting [W].

I asked Scream to invite me into the gang, and he said I'll have to ask Buhu, but Buhu said no. I kept fighting along side BA for a while and then I got invited into the gang.  After about 10 - 15 minutes Buhu said: "Hey GTA_Rules, change your name to [BA]GTA_Rules" and I was accepted into B&A. I've been in BA for 5 - 6 months as far as I know, and I've improved my WW skills then. It's around this time I started to learn Pawn. 

LVP Development

At the time, Fireburn made a post that they needed Pawn developers. As I love LVP, I applied for it and they told me I had to do an assigment to prove that I'm able to script. I had 2 weeks to make a gamemode. I've sent my gamemode to Fireburn after one week.  I was ingame when I got kicked (or banned, can't remember) with the reason "Check your email", so I did and I found a mail saying that they liked my gamemode at first, but that they found out that I copy pasted stuff from the SA:MP forums.

The mail also said they weren't sure what to do and that I had to come to an IRC channel and talk with them.  So I did and after 10 minutes of confusion, they told me it was a joke, and that I was accepted as a new developer of LVP. I still am now and I'm having a lot of fun working with the other people of the development team and fixing bugs.

B&A (Part 2) 

About a month after I got accepted as a developer, B&A was falling apart, there were rumours about Buhu cheating at the LVP vs LW server and even on BA server. So Darkfire left, a lot of people left alongside him, including me. 

A few screenshots

I don't have a lot of screenshots, as I've recently cleaned up the folder they are in, but here you got a few I found. 

Testing a minigame I made :) 

[Image: zmxd7b.png] 


[Image: 2lm1ai8.png] 

We got fly-by'd by some guy :( 

[Image: 2rnk6bk.png] 

Heh, this took longer than I thought, sorry if my grammar sucks, it's early in the morning :P

Thanks for reading through (or watching the screenshots :+),

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Hitman - 05-10-2009


Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - StickZ - 05-10-2009

(05-10-2009, 08:13 AM)Matthias link Wrote: About 4 months ago, I applied for B&A, but got denied for my age. A month later, I re-applied and got accepted.
rofl, in those months your age didnt changed so the first denied was a joke

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Matthias - 05-10-2009

... I'm 14 now, I was 13.

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Richard - 05-10-2009

(05-10-2009, 09:22 AM)GiLLi link Wrote: rofl, in those months your age didnt changed so the first denied was a joke

It's not directly a limit on age, but mainly attitude that comes with it. He changed in that period.

Ohai :>

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Matthias - 05-10-2009

Thanks Richard :D

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Maddolis - 05-10-2009

(05-10-2009, 10:29 AM)Richard link Wrote: It's not directly a limit on age, but mainly attitude that comes with it. [UvH], [W] and [HC4L] declared war on them in that period.

Ohai :>


Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Munch - 05-10-2009

(05-10-2009, 12:02 PM)Maddolis link Wrote: FIXED

Lol well said.

You're about 2 months newer than me, and for that,


Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Peru - 05-10-2009

Completely forgot about [UW] _O-

Hello Matthias! :)

Re: [Introduction] [BA]Matthias - Hyper - 05-10-2009

i was in [UW] 2! :D