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Jailed for no reason and lost all properties
well Im lookin into the matter even deeper then i probabibly should to see if thiers a work around to minimize this bug (no its not to keep out of jail but to reduce the chance of getting jailed for logging in)...If thiers a way to set it up to check aginst a database (stored on another server perhaps [like the old playground one]?) when people login wether they were jailed by an admin/other sction that is supposed to result in jail time (ie ship-killing which is on the rise i think [thats another story]) or if they were not jailed or havent done anything to result in jail time (or if they already served thier full sentence of jail time from thier previous offence what ever it may be)...

I havent had much luck since i dont want to get banned for "possible cheating" (even tho im not nor do i know how to) but what i have done is just some prelim testing...
lol James?  _O-
BenBot owns and this problem is fixed. check out trac ;p
and 0.2.2 is out :)
i have 2.2...it still happens (altho i think it might have been stabilized) but im reffering to the "logging in and ending up in jail" bit (not the "losing properties" half)