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Skin changing while paused
i was paused for a bit (was watching 28 days later ) :+
Anyway i came back and all the text started flowing down the screen, the weather was changing
all ths was normal exept for my skin ( clown skin ) which changed to casual cloths wearing guy, to the girl with only half a top and then saved like that.
i still have it now but i will chnge it, i think it has something to do when more than one person pauses, hopefully it will be looked into.
your gang skin probably changed a few times while you where pauzed

Erm, when you unpauze, what you missed is played out.

And yeah, gang skin must've changed.
Nope There's a SetPlayerSkin in the unpause function, don't know why though ..
I'm sure we can fix this.
Gang skins cn be changed :?
Wel, there is a command like /gang skin on and /gang skin off..
only problem is, when i'm gang founder, i wear the 91 Skin now.. then i type /gang skin on, and it gives us an OnB skin :/, offcourse i don't like this, cuz then i do /gang skin off, and it is Again an OnB skin, or just a random one. Then i allways have to do /kill and F4 change to 91 again, do /savechar and put gang skin on again..
(06-25-2007, 01:20 PM)Makaveli link Wrote: Wel, there is a command like /gang skin on and /gang skin off..
only problem is, when i'm gang founder, i wear the 91 Skin now.. then i type /gang skin on, and it gives us an OnB skin :/, offcourse i don't like this, cuz then i do /gang skin off, and it is Again an OnB skin, or just a random one. Then i allways have to do /kill and F4 change to 91 again, do /savechar and put gang skin on again..
lol? i never knew that
(06-25-2007, 01:20 PM)Makaveli link Wrote: Wel, there is a command like /gang skin on and /gang skin off..
only problem is, when i'm gang founder, i wear the 91 Skin now.. then i type /gang skin on, and it gives us an OnB skin :/, offcourse i don't like this, cuz then i do /gang skin off, and it is Again an OnB skin, or just a random one. Then i allways have to do /kill and F4 change to 91 again, do /savechar and put gang skin on again..

This might have to do that I was the first one to use it...or well, that's what I think.
Show me the char sometime, then I can see or it is mine :)
Got an answer. don't press esc, press /pauze and leave it running, you won't time out. ( You time out when all the text runs down the screen ;) )
(06-25-2007, 01:48 PM)PennyWise link Wrote: Got an answer. don't press esc, press /pauze and leave it running, you won't time out. ( You time out when all the text runs down the screen ;) )
i can say i have NEVER timedout like thast.