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what's your favorite property?
i knew you was going to post that  :P
There is only one property I always buy after signing in,
my mission of impending DOOM II!
One tip: its near a tune spot so you can get there really fast though its far away....
I usually don't buy properties because i cba. I guess if I had to choose it'd be gang base
Fort Carson becuase it restores ur health  :)
tBk i love your prop, but you have a crapy tv! xD if got 2 widescreens,telephone and a cd player
Yes active your property is nicer, but i do not need all the essesories and do not forget that i live in a hotel so they clean my room....
Oh yeah, well my farmhouse is so far away i die of boredom and dont need to spend money /taxi 0 ing back to LV  :Y)
(06-15-2007, 01:30 PM)benbmyers link Wrote: Oh yeah, well my farmhouse is so far away i die of boredom and dont need to spend money /taxi 0 ing back to LV  :Y)

/visit? Only costs you 1500 ;)
Who should I ask for making a property named after me? :)

@below: Ok, thanks :)
estroe since you have a lot of online hours, you can ask any admin in a good mood who is not to bussy.
My fav property is " Turkey's Space Spy "  _O-
It's at San Fierro, a tip, It has some satelites :)