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We need a photoshop/fraps volunteer!
Hey the coldthugz could do with some good banners for signatures! But I dont think anybody is good at photoshop that is in thugs! I also suggest that any thugz that have not got a picture next to there name that is shown on the left of ever post they make, should use one of the symobls shown on the news/updates thread! (If they want to)

We could also use a good video maker to shown some B&a/Oldiez ownage! lol! I am gunna get fraps tonight!

Yer, i asked on the Request topic to make me one , with my name and some thugz, but no one answered on mine... Caveman is making me one right now (Thnx Cave!!)  :) anyway , is there any thug that can make nice videos?  :P it would rule like hell!! (Btw Grove , haven't seen  u on msn or online lately  :P )
Yer I get bored of msn :P I have a signature here that vulk made a while agi that could be good:

[Image: i105229634453197cn6.gif]
Yer its nice :P

btw: The Name is spelled right!!!  :D
heheh yer lol xD!
i need a good program to make some nice pics...
if you know 1 post it please..
what sort of pics?
(bad english >> )  like your pic, under your tekst
U mean the signature  :P check out mine Killerbee, Caveman made it  ;) it rocks so badly  :D
hehe :), harm: there's Photoshop, jasc paintshop and GIMP (free)