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Ban the person above
Ban Lazierc for banning FarePak for banning me for banning Z/s(l)appa for banning me for banning Z/S(l)appa for banning theNAB.
Ban InVion for double posting
Ban InVion for ruining reasonable conversations including valid points to discuss.

Your best friend,
Rofl. Ban HoogerBooger for banning me for banning... me, for banning lazierc for banning farepak for banning me for banning Z/S(l)appa for banning me for banning Z/S(l)appa for banning theNAB for banning SidVicious for baning Makaveli for banning Tj for banning Tj.
Ban InVion for his sucky annoying replies!
ban Estroe for banning me for banning HoogerBooger for banning me for banning me, for banning lazierc for banning farepak for banning me for banning Z/S(l)appa for banning me for banning Z/S(l)appa for banning theNAB for banning SidVicious for baning Makaveli for banning Tj for banning Tj.
ban InVion for having a nickname InVion 'coz his name InVion is just too InVion

the person who posts below me should be banned D:
lol joke..

Ban TevoxZi, lest he be prepared to suffer from my HOT AMERICAN DICKINGS! COWBOY HAT! AMERICAN! DICKINGS!
Ban TRaven for wtf.
Banned for being a douche.

Honestly, I'm just reserving this place for a future edit featuring all [W] comments >:)