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[Namechange] DR4P3R > [SM]DR4P3R
[Namechange] DR4P3R  > [SM]DR4P3R                          =]    Please  ;)
[19:10:09] <@[GoT]Razor> !changename DR4P3R [SM]DR4P3R
[19:10:10] <&Nuwani> 10* The player 'DR4P3R' is now known as '[SM]DR4P3R'!
[19:10:17] <@[GoT]Razor> !players [SM]DR4P3R
[19:10:18] <&Nuwani> [SM]DR4P3R has been online for 62 hours and 46 minutes. The player has killed 195 people so far, and has died 220 times him/herself, which makes a ratio of 0.89. He/She has scored 4 points in the reaction test so far. [SM]DR4P3R is a player on Las Venturas Playground, and last was online at 20-02-2008 16:56.
