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Gang zones - your ideas!
Hi all,

As Bakura and I have finalized the algorithm we'll be using for creating gang zones (check out the tentative map!), I'd love to start talking a bit about what we can do with such zones.

Let me first state what they are, and how they work:
  • The zones will be automatically generated based on gangs who have created their houses in the same area.
  • Gangs with enough VIPs will therefore be able to have multiple zones! (Since each player can have up to three houses.)
  • The size of the zones will be decided based on the number of owned houses, their prices, how recently their owners have been in-game, and a few other variables.
  • Zones may not overlap.
In the first release, they'll largely exist for decorative purposes. However, they will also prevent players from purchasing new houses in the area. Existing players can stay.

Then... what's next? Some ideas from my side:
  • Gang members will automatically get some health or armour back when killing a player in their area (defensive)
  • Gang managers will be able to purchase watch towers, explosive barrels, walls and so on to further defend the area. The prices of these will be significant.
Any idea that you come up with should be possible to automate -- we'd like to minimize the work for administrators in this area.

Can we get some decorations for exterior of our houses? i mean the non gang base areas, I always fancied a few barrels and stuff like that
Also can we have something like this:

And other small buildings/houses.

Would besome for areas far outside LV, like the beach zone of cp.
Also would love to be able to make it customisable, like turn it into a safe zone if it's far away from any DM zone, this again lik the beach zone.
The safe zone can function as a gathering zone for any gang to just chill together with.
What would the aim be to attack such gangzone? 

I mean, they're nice to have but then again if it's just a matter of buying up enough houses this hardly qualifies as something that would generate action inbetween gangs, which seem to be the intention - I do appreciate that, however!

I'll see if I can think of any ideas and make a new reply later.
(11-08-2016, 09:35 AM)Holsje Wrote: Also can we have something like this:

And other small buildings/houses.

Would besome for areas far outside LV, like the beach zone of cp.
Also would love to be able to make it customisable, like turn it into a safe zone if it's far away from any DM zone, this again lik the beach zone.
The safe zone can function as a gathering zone for any gang to just chill together with.

[Image: N0InPng.jpg]
Gang zones FTW! thanks guys!
I think you should have gone for the classic thing
Zones are defined, a gang can attack another gang every like 15 min., there should be at least one player of each gang
I can develop more my idea, but I don't think it's needed since you seem to know what you want
(11-09-2016, 11:03 PM)Harambe Wrote: I think you should have gone for the classic thing
Zones are defined, a gang can attack another gang every like 15 min., there should be at least one player of each gang
I can develop more my idea, but I don't think it's needed since you seem to know what you want

Our current idea doesn't make that impossible, it's just that it's much harder to define what should happen.

Suppose that there are five super experienced players of gang Foo on the server, attacking the newbie that just joined gang Bar. How should that be handled? Obviously it's not a fair fight. What should the consequences be? If I were the owner of a gang, I would be very concerned about the possibility of losing an area completely outside of my control.
Tout ne honest, that's the purpose of a gang. A gang owner will take good and active players, so he doesn't every territory in 1 hours.
Also, one way to make those territory fights fair is like so: at the bottom of the screen, there would be a bar with each color of he gangs, to make the bar "grow" players should be in the zone. For example, if it is a 3v1, the person who's alone would make the bar move faster than others.
Also, each 1 months or so, ALL the territories should be reset, to avoid a gang to have all of them and nobody can take them. A gang could have a max amount of territories, so the other gangs can have some.
To avoid problems with gangs and the players not connecting so they don'tget attacked, if X amount of players from a gang doesn't connect., They'll lose territories making it blank (any gang can take them)
I don't believe making turfs based on gang member houses only is a good idea.There isn't much gang action in LVP atm.About harambe's idea,imagine if there's 3-4 enemy gang members and they try to get a turf which is an open area,the gang who owns it won't be able to defend it at all if there's 1 member only.Maybe we should add some requirements to trigger a turf war,while making it more interesting and rewarding.

If you check littlewhitey's turf system,they have turfs spread among map where you gotta drive and wait for 1-2 mins or more if there's any gang members who own the turf online.They generate money for gang (bank account) and the rate increases as the number of turfs you own increases.You needed atleast 2 gang members to capture a zone(less time to capture if there's more members). Now issue with this system is,other than generating some money when you are bankrupt which doesn't usually happen,there was no point in getting turfs at all.It was just a boring activity where you wait all around map with nothing else to do.Nobody even bothered to 'fight for turfs'.If someone tries to take a turf owned by enemy gang,they won't come and defend it(I don't think anyone even notice).I am afraid our system will be also boring if there isn't any incentives and its based on houses only.

I will explain some ideas of mine which may or may not be possible to implement.
  • There should be tiers for turfs.Gangbase and nearby areas can be made to high level turfs which requires great effort to capture(4-5 gang members on each side to start a war.That's because you don't wanna lose this turf without having a chance to defend properly).Then medium level turfs where gang member houses exist/important area like fight club ( requires 2-3 members) and low level turfs which are spread all around the map and can be captured by any gang at anytime (they should be more than med/high level turfs).
  • Now lets talk about customisation.Players should feel the need to capture a zone while enjoying the activity.As the name indicates,high level turfs are most important areas for a gang.It can be customised with barrels/watchtowers and other defensive mechanisms.However,we don't wanna make it too overpowered even after upgrading everything.That means it should be possible for an enemy gang to still attack the zone and have a chance to win rather than getting machine gunned in all directions of turf.Capturing a gang base results in whoever captured it owning all of the previous owner's turfs in map (it means the gang who failed to defend the base will lose all of their turfs and will have to start from the beginning.) If that idea isn't acceptable,we can make gangbase and the turf it exists immune to capturing too.These zones also have other features like a bar/club for gang members to relax,a huge parking lot,place to store money ( if the bank limit is reduced) etc.I think a hunter will be fun during this war (doesn't respawn and can be used until it is destroyed only ) but its optional. :D Medium and low level turfs doesn't need customisation imo but will be offering incentives which I will explain below.One more thing I would like to mention regarding customisation is there should be a unique destroyable object that represent each gang.For example,BB have red flag as a symbol,when enemy gang captures a turf,they gotta destroy the flag too in order to capture the turf and plant their own symbol.
  • Now lets talk about incentives.I am running short on ideas in this matter so inviting ideas from everyone.I am not sure if high level turfs should offer anything other than the customisation I explained before so I am leaving that.Regarding medium zones,we can offer something like free tp/taxi to specific zones ( like fightclub).We don't want low level turfs to be completely useless either so they should generate money suitable to our economy(this money regeneration can be applied to med/high level turfs too),encouraging gangs made by new players who aren't powerful enough to fight for med/high level turfs.I know regenerating money is a controversial idea so I suggest to make it slow or explain your own ideas which encourage people to own turfs.Will be good if there's specific stats too like the gang which owns most turfs is the most powerful gang and such.
These are just my ideas and and I know it's not flawless or something so I am inviting ideas from everyone regarding this matter again.What incentives would you like to get from gang zones? Do you have any ideas which can make getting turfs more entertaining? Feel free to explain because I believe this idea requires more attention from our dmers. :)