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Tpimp > Makaveli
I consider this as nicklaming.
Makaveli (also known as Maka) is a well respected guy from Belgium, first I'd like to know if Maka doesn't have a problem with Tpimp's new nickname.
Maka isnt using Makaveli, why is it a problem....

Players think Maka = Makaveli.
I've mailed him about this issue, now I'm waiting for him to answer.
I'll let you know!
I have already sent a PM to him. And he said it's fine if Tpimp wants to use Makaveli. At least that's how I understood it.

Maka, if you have a problem with this feel free to slap me.
*changed the displayed name
(username is still the same)
Have fun with your new nickname!
usuk : (

players will know its me anyway because of my signature. :P