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!msg on IRC
To the point.. when on IRC and you !msg in .echo there seems to be a limit on characters displayed to the server

This is annoying since many things said breach the limit and are cut off... any chance of getting the limit extended by about 50 characters. Damn me and my perfect english etc etc

I understand its there to stop spamming, but for regs and maybe VIPS is there a chance of extending the limit?

I just don't understand why its too short, it just seems a bit excessive, and would be nice if it was a bit longer, would make things easier.

Should be a very simple thing to change if its decided by the higher powers to do so


bubbles (female)
SA-MP limit, can't be changed.
Same limit as in-game.
Actually the limit is LVP. SA-MP has a limit of 128 chars, per line, and since you can write up to two lines of text, that makes the total 256. LVP has a limit of about 50. I agree it needs changing, really annoying :P

If you're a female than I'm a barbie doll
Hmm, then it is probably some leftover from the old days :+
Probably some characters reserved for the ingame text (The ... (IRC) part), so maybe that the old limit was 64 chars or w/e.
So if there aren't technical problems, an increase to 128 positions (minus reserved characters?) is fine by me.
