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Internet/router proble
Hey guys.

I don't really know where to begin. A couple of days ago my Internet just.... Stopped working. It tells me I can connect to my network as a LAN but I will be unable to connect to the web. My provider is the same for my house phone aswell, which seems to be broken aswell. This happened once before but it fixed itself almost immediatly. Does anyone know how I can fix this or am I being too vague?

A little vague, elaborate.
Alright. Well when I try to connect to my wireless network, my computer let's me connect, but only as a LAN, meaning I cannot connect to the Internet. Also, when I try opening up internet explorer, it says "a connection to the Internet is not available, please try again in a few minutes" but it has been like this for 3-4 days.

Does this help? Sorry I'm just saying things as I remember them.
Uhhh, I would call your ISP and see what the problem is, do you have any other computer to see if it has the same problem?

Although if your phone is down too I would probably suspect that its your ISP/Phone companies fault.
I think you're right FarePak, I think the ISP is to blame. I'll give them a call and see what they say
hey talk to your IPS that happen to me one time and i talk the service then they told how to fix it :D