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Just now i was kicked by either TEF or Raymond for asking about the VIP mod thing and how do i get it and such
They told me " you wont get it " so I said Why and They said " becasue your Jag "
then i searched more about the VIP Mod thingy and relised that it says all VIP's get them but If you abuse they will be removed
So After reseaching I came back from pausing the game and said in Vip chat " yes i do get them " and ws kicked...
TEll me if thats fair?
I know you're waiting for a reply.

I PM'ed TEF about this, and he replied to it. I'll read it, make my story and post here tonight ;)

Right, zeh edit coming up:

Understanding from what TEF said, you were being arrogant again.

You asked in the VIPchat if every VIP would get it or not, TEF replied with: "Not you."
He understands that maybe was a bit harsh but he just doesn't find you fit to have muterights.

The reason for the kick was because you were being arrogant about it. TEF gave you the answer to your question, although wrong, you should accept that or ask a 'higher admin', being management.

The situation is handled though, any VIP has it enabled by default, so you do too. Everyone is given a chance.
wait, I am confused so I do get them or not ( not being arrogant) but i was pm'd by A  crew member saying i will not reciecve it :?
(02-27-2009, 02:41 AM)Jag link Wrote: wait, I am confused so I do get them or not ( not being arrogant) but i was pm'd by A  crew member saying i will not reciecve it :?
Every VIP (including you) has those muterights. In case of serious abuse (for the definition of abuse in this case see http://wiki.lvp.nu/index.php/VIP_Mod) the management has the right to take the muterights away. In this case, the rights haven't been abused, so you still have them.
I have another complaint. ( not an unfair kick) For the while Back Crew Members have been calling me Braker ( my brother ) and Braker Jag ( me ) which is very annoying just because we share the Same IP  :(  Could something be done about this?  :(

p.s~ would you please Change this topic name to Complaints.( because i dont wanna make 20 topics about different complaints know do I ).
I pretty much understand why they would, as you can never be sure if you're just saying to have a brother, so you can fuck around on some other name or something :P

But I understand that it is annoying for you as well. So, will do.

And, name changed. You could've done it yourself too. :+
New complaint about : Joe

today just now I was stuck at ammunition I asked Joe for a fix 1 minute passed and thought he didnt see it So I pm'd him A fix please, and he does a command that kills me So I asked him Why did you do that all I did was ask for a Fix and he says " becasue you have abuse it in  the past "  :(
Wtf? I dont even remember abusing a fix,  and called me a Nub aswell, So i said why did you call me a nub, you wouldnt like it if I called you a nub would you? and then he said "Sue me" or something like that.

Could management do something about this please?
You're seriously reporting him using a kill command because you were stuck? People ask a lot for a fix, because they're too stats-horny to do /kill.

He probably means that you used it just to get your weapons refilled without having to die. I'll ask him later what exactly it was. But this is not abusing.

Him saying nub, well, yeah..
Starting from below:

Quote: 49 04-03-2009 03:48:55 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): Sue me
50 04-03-2009 03:48:47 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): this isnt fair at all
51 04-03-2009 03:48:37 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): now you calling me a bitch
52 04-03-2009 03:48:36 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): I could care less
53 04-03-2009 03:48:29 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): would you
54 04-03-2009 03:48:25 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): you wouldn tlike it if i called you a nub
55 04-03-2009 03:48:19 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): Don't bitch and whine at me
56 04-03-2009 03:48:10 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): dont call me a nub
57 04-03-2009 03:47:56 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): /bank id never broken nub
58 04-03-2009 03:47:47 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): cash*
59 04-03-2009 03:47:42 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): i had cah on me
62 04-03-2009 03:47:38 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): no it doesnt
63 04-03-2009 03:47:31 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): when 1 month ago
64 04-03-2009 03:47:30 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): kill does the same thing
65 04-03-2009 03:47:24 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): not a kill
66 04-03-2009 03:47:22 PM from Joe (1) to [DFL]Jag (10): Because you've abused Fix in the past.
67 04-03-2009 03:47:19 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): i asked for a fix
68 04-03-2009 03:47:12 PM from [DFL]Jag (10) to Joe (1): WHY did u kill me

Is this really such a big deal to you?
well ( not being arrogant and dont wanna be always complaining ) all i asked was for a fix , If Joe /kill'd me why doesnt he do it to everyone as it does the same thing, why dont you just get rid of that command /p id fix if you can just /kill em, It does the same thing doesnt it? ( not trying to be disrespectful to you Richard ) But What angers me is that i dont know if 'Nub' is a flame word because I say it sometimes and im muted but crew say it to me sometimes to me when i havent done anything wrong + as it says Up there in the logs He says that i could have used /bank to bank my money but why would i do that if i was expecting a fix..., all i was doing was questioning, is it against the rules to question now( as i have said before not trying to be disrespectful or arrogant ).
You're really making a lot out of nothing..

It explains itself in the logs, you abused it before, he says, so he used kill instead of fix.
The fix command does indeed the same, except for the kill. And as I said, a lot of people are stats-horny so they don't want a death added(I don't think it goes in your stats with /kill and /p id kill, but ok), so before everyone starts crying about it, fix is fine.

Nub is imo not really a flameword, it's used a lot in SA-MP / LVP and I even use it myself(I call Beethi nub daily :+). Don't think you should be muted for it, unless you're constantly yelling it to everyone.

True @ the banking.