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Ingame Name: Lithirm and (UvH)Lithirm.
Previous names: [CF]Lithirm, Lithirm[HC4L], [NG]Lithirm and (UvHp)Lithirm
Real Name: Jonte
Coutry: Sweden
Age: 17
Birthday: 30th september 1992
Gender: Male
Playing SA-MP Since: Around September - October 2008
Playing on LVP Since: Same as above.
Started playing unregistered with a real-life friend (yes I do have them) named "Rayfram3" and we were mostly freeroaming and buying properties to earn some money. After some time he got bored with LVP and we started to stunt at Everystuff Tew. After about a month of playing there he got bored again.

C4$H FR34k$
Also this was pretty soon after starting our first year of high school. I made some friends there. One of these is known as [CF]LIL_D and I started talking and he said he had previously played on LVP so we talked about creating a gang. We did create this clan called C4$H FR34k$. And we later got one of our other friends to start playing too, that person is today known as ioutHO. I had barely played anything and I also registered my name as [CF]Lithirm and some of you know that we were noobs. Nading, DBing and just being complete noobs. After three to four months I got bored of the freeroaming and trying to make money thing and decided to leave.

I was now clanless and decided to focus more on deathmatching and trying to get some skills. I started to practice by myself just fighting everyone possible. And I had made some friends which I was practicing with too one of these was [VG]P1ngz. I started to fight on his side a lot and after some time of practicing with him he even invited me to join [VG] but I said no. Because I didn't want to be in a clan then. Eventually P1ngz left SA:MP for school and VG died. And after more time of practicing and DMing [NiP] was created by Mafo.

I fought Mafo on the streets once and he said I was pretty good and from that our friendship has evolved. I started to fight with him and the HC4L guys that was his friends. They could easily own me but I did my best and kept on practicing. Mafo invited me to NiP but I said no to that too.

After some time of fighting on the same side as NiP and HC4L one of HC4L's inactive guys started to play again. This guy was Madlaggz. I had loads of props and had filled my bank so I was giving them away. And Madlaggz got loads of this money with "First ID gets". And we started to chat in PM and another good friendship was evolved. He later suggested that I should apply for HC4L. I did without thinking I would make it in. I had dueled shoebox and bomberteo before. And as I though shoebox killed me five times and told me to practice some more. But I think Madlaggz convinced shoebox to accept me anyway and I was accepted just minutes later.

Human Cannibals 4 Living
I was now in HC4L...

More coming later.
Very cool :D
U are one of the most friendly users of the server 4 sure :D
yeah...Lith z very Friendly :) Love ya :D
Hey lith.
Your awesome. One of the many friendly players on LVP. You always say Hi to me when you realise I'm online, and occasionally join the gang I'm in etc. You fight, and play really well and you're just a gd player, and friend to have on the server.
To "Vichuzz" "Boy_From_Nowhere" "Fist" Thx all you :D you're also really friednly :D Feel the same 'bout u guys :D <3
Yow friend great intro!
These are funny moments when we say smth at the same time in the same way :D
thx darkflame :D
aahw :) glad to have met u to :D lastrace:D
yeah, i went like total roflmfao :D
"Let's find a train and see if we can CTP it to someone..."
Lol I found the train when you went offline but admin stole it off me xD